Goodwill Awards Reception Fundraiser
Goodwill’s 2025 Awards Reception Fundraiser will be held at Tavistock Country Club in Haddonfield, NJ on Thursday, March 6th starting at 6 pm. This special event will honor Rowan University President Dr. Ali Houshmand with Goodwill’s Helms Award for his remarkable philanthropic contributions to the local community. It will also raise funds to support Goodwill’s Helms Academy, a tuition-free program for adult learners to attain their high school diploma while simultaneously earning up to 30 college credits. Please consider purchasing a sponsorship to support this event and fund this important community program.
2025 Awards Reception FlyerPresenting Sponsors



Ways to Make a Contribution
Monetary donations to Goodwill change lives. Your generous donations fund employment training and career services that prepare individuals with special needs for competitive employment. Your gift gives individuals faced with tremendous obstacles a chance to work, to earn a paycheck, and to gain a better quality of life filled with hope and dignity.
At Goodwill, we offer a chance, not a charity. We transform tax users into tax paying members of the local workforce.
- Give Online. To make a safe and secure financial donation online please click here.
- Give by Mail. Please send donations to:
Goodwill Industries® of Southern NJ & Philadelphia
2835 Route 73
Maple Shade, NJ 08052 - Give in Honor or Memory. If you would like to honor someone with a unique gift, please include the person’s name and type of gift (In Memory or In Honor) on the online donation form or on the check. Please include this person’s mailing address (or next of kin) so that we can send them an acknowledgement letter, too.
- Real estate. You can make a gift of real estate to Goodwill and take the charitable deduction.
- Securities. Avoid the taxes on appreciated securities by giving them to Goodwill. You can also receive a charitable deduction based on the fair market value of the stock.
- Retirement Assets/Estate. You may want to consider a gift of a portion of your retirement assets as a legacy gift. This allows you to make a gift of your more highly taxed assets, leaving other valuable assets to your family. If this sounds like a good option for you, designate Goodwill Industries of Southern NJ, please discuss with your attorney or accountant. You can also designate Goodwill to receive a portion of your estate.
All Legal and Accounting firms may contact Stephen Castro, Chief Financial Officer at scastro@goodwillnj.org or 856-429-0200, ext. 99237.

Plan Your Future Today Using FREEWILL
Protect what matters most! To thank you for your support, we want to make it easier for you to find peace of mind. One easy way to do just that is to write a legal will – nearly 70% of Americans DO NOT have one. This is an essential task, and we have made it super easy and FREE to memorialize your wishes at www.FreeWill.com. In 20 minutes or less, you can have a legally binding document that will outline your wishes. Get started now at www.FreeWill.com
A Gift in Your Will or Living Trust
Interested in supporting Goodwill Industries of Southern New Jersey & Philadelphia’s mission but feeling overwhelmed by the thought of writing another check or giving up your assets today? A simple, flexible, and versatile way to ensure we can continue our work for years to come is a gift in your will or living trust, known as a charitable bequest.
By including a bequest to Goodwill in your will or living trust, you are ensuring that we can continue our mission for years to come. For more information, please click the links below:
- Bequest. www.freewill.com/gisnj
- Beneficiaries. www.freewill.com/beneficiaries/gisnj
- Outside bequests. www.freewill.com/record/gisnj
If you include Goodwill in your plans, please seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor and use our legal name and Federal Tax ID provided below:
- Legal Name. Goodwill Industries of Southern New Jersey & Philadelphia, Inc.
- Address. 2835 Route 73 South, Maple Shade, NJ 08052
- Federal Tax ID Number. Please contact us for our federal tax ID number
All Legal and Accounting firms may contact Stephen Castro, Chief Financial Officer at scastro@goodwillnj.org or 856-429-0200, ext. 99237.
For additional information on bequests or to chat more about different options for including the Foundation in your will or estate plan, please contact Zanthea Nichols at znichols@goodwillnj.org or call 856-439-0200, ext. 99229.