Students Travel Thousands of Miles to Secure a Better Future - Goodwill Industries of New Jersey and Philadelphia

Many students participating in Helms Academy ESL and High School Diploma programs have traveled thousands of miles in hopes of securing a better future for themselves and their families. From Guinea West Africa to the city of Mazar-i-Sharif in Northern Afghanistan, our students have come from afar. And it is not uncommon for our students to create community right inside the classroom.

Given the various barriers to a better life for migrant students, camaraderie and community at Helms is what often keeps them going. “I’ve helped a lot of people; I encourage people,” said Q, who started in the ESL program over a year ago, and now is working toward her high school diploma. “I just want to help,” she emphatically added. Not only did she enroll at Helms, but she has encouraged numerous others such as her brother and other local community members to participate in ESL classes.

Our migrant students have dreams, and their work ethic testifies to those dreams. “I want to be an ultrasound tech, and after that I want to go back to my country…to a better country and help my people,” said Q. “My sister is 12 and is self-taught from night to morning. If she can get to America, she will become a doctor, and there the government says that after 12, you cannot do anything.”

When asked how have Helms programs have been beneficial, Q stated, “[Helms Academy] is the best place. I started here, learning computer after two years. I’ve learned grammar, and step by step how to do things in this class. I didn’t speak English, but I got it here, including writing.”

Though not easily transferrable, many of our students received education in their home countries. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) students educated in their home countries are much more likely to seek out ESL classes. In some instances, across the United States, ESL programs have waiting lists. This shows the need for more programs, and it illustrates that migrant populations are eager to learn. With committed and passionate staff, Goodwill’s goal is to meet the needs of students from all backgrounds.