Donate Your Ex's Stuff - Goodwill Industries of New Jersey and Philadelphia % %

Donate Your Ex’s Stuff

How do you turn ill will towards an ex-boyfriend, girlfriend, partner, or spouse into a good deed?  By Donating Your Ex’s Stuff to Goodwill this Valentine’s Day!

Maybe it is clothing left behind; a set of dishes you got as a wedding present; a dress or suit you wore on that infamous first date; or anything else that reminds you of an ex, Goodwill’s 35+ donation centers are happy to accept your donation and promise to give it a second life.  Best of all, the sale of gently-used donated items in Goodwill’s local retail stores fund job training and career services that prepare individuals with disabilities and disadvantages for competitive employment. 

When you turn animosity into generosity at Goodwill, there is yet another perk.  All donations are tax deductible per IRS law.  Receipts are available.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, all Goodwill donation sites are operating under Pop & Drop guidelines.  Simply pop your trunk and our donation attendant, wearing a mask and gloves, will remove your items from your trunk.    

Visit to find the store/donation site closest you.